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Hailing from Sonora, we see how terroir plays into flavor profile. Palmilla is the Sonoran term for the sotol plant and the spirits from it. Sinohe Chacón, a Bacanora producer, brings us this beautiful wheeleri with notes of green banana, lemongrass, salty & fresh with a smooth oily texture.


162 bottles available in USA


Mexican Owned, Family Owned, Special Release, Bacanora Producer, Rare Sotol

La Higuera Palmilla

  • MAESTRO Sinohe Chacón

    SOTOL Dasylirion, Wheeleri

    ELEVATION 2900'

    SOIL Sand, rocks, low nutrient content

    CLIMATE Hot/semi arid

    VILLAGE Bacanora, Sonora

    OVEN/FUEL Underground

    MILL Hand with ax

    FERMENT Tinaco

    DISTILLATION 2 X Stainless steel and copper alembic


    Aroma – Moss, hay, green banana

    Taste – Lemongrass , salty and fresh

    Texture – Slightly oily and smooth

    LIMITED RELEASE 200 liters


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